
How Do Braces Actually Work?

Teeth develop irregularities in their positioning and shape from an early age. These disparities are often difficult to correct. It is easy to see that your teeth need cleaning as you get older. This is a fairly common procedure and it’s not difficult to do. However, many teenagers and young adults fear that they will have to remove those wet bands from their teeth for a few years. So how do braces actually work?

How Do Braces Actually Work?

Braces are no longer something to be afraid of in today’s modern world of oral medicine. If you’ve ever wondered, “How do braces actually work?”, then this is the article for you. Below, your trusted orthodontist in Tarzana will discuss how braces function, the different types of braces available, and whether or not you might be a good candidate for this popular orthodontics procedure.

What Exactly Are Braces?

Braces are the most popular treatment option for both moms and fathers, as well as kids. Braces are made of metal brackets, which are attached to the teeth by adhesives and thin wires. These wires are responsible for moving the teeth to the correct place. Although it may take some time for your teeth to fall in place, it will eventually happen after several months.

Your face can look unbalanced if you have spacing or extreme overcrowding issues. You might notice that one side of your face is more prominent than the other or that your lips appear irregular. Braces often can enhance the appearance of your lips. They can look as subtle or noticeable as you need. After the procedure is completed, braces will improve your overall appearance and self-confidence over time.

Different Types of Braces

Our office has many options for braces. Our dentists can help you determine which brace is best for you. These are the three most common types of braces:

  • Metal brackets that attach to the teeth and stay connected by wires.
  • No brackets prove required for metal bands that turn over the teeth.
  • Clear aligners or Invisalign.

These types have advantages and disadvantages depending on what you need to do with your mouth. Braces that can be decorated with bright bands are a favorite among children. Braces that are efficient and hold your teeth in place for adults are a great choice. Teens and older folks love experiencing the benefits of Invisalign as you can remove and clean clear aligners.

Improve Oral and Aesthetic Health with the Right Braces

Braces are not just for smile correction. By keeping your teeth in good shape, you are actually improving your health. Overcrowding can lead to damage and overlap from misaligned teeth. This makes it more difficult to remove germs and plaque from the teeth. In time, an infection can occur and spread throughout the mouth. If the infection proves too severe, you may need to have your tooth extracted.

Braces can straighten your teeth and give you enough space to brush and floss. They will help you maintain a routine oral hygiene regimen and prevent the spread of disease and decay. These habits will get easier to practice over time.

Get Affordable Braces Now!

A simple braces treatment can make you feel confident and happy in your smile again. You don’t have to be embarrassed about your jagged teeth. Patients who have bad teeth may also experience oral health issues. Correct misalignments and feel better about your prognosis with traditional or modern braces in Tarzana. We offer a range of metal aligners and clear braces options that suit every need and personality type. Get in touch with our friendly team today to find out whether or not you are a good candidate for a life-changing braces procedure.



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